Noga 15 years old

Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

For the duration of 15 years, year after year, Noga’s international format is filled with images created by independent authors from different countries, who one way or the other shot or continue shooting in the post-Soviet bloc. This exhibition is a quilt stitched together from the stories that reflect the lives of people, their environment, surroundings and nature in all the diversity of different parts of the world. The common unifying principle of all the authors’ projects is a deep dive into the material, high visual representation, and a sensitive attitude to the characters of the stories and their narrative.

Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa


Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Moscow 2021

“PhotoTOP 2021” 10 June — 19 September, 2021 On June 10, the Gallery of Classical Photography will open the largest...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Odessa 2020

'Thin Line' 21 August — 4 September, 2020 Noga Creative Union, within the framework of the Thin Line Photo Festival,...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Vitebsk 2020

'Odessa. Photos 1985' / 'New York before and after' 25 June — 5 July, 2020 Noga Creative Union, during the Covid-19...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Odessa 2020

'Odessa. Photos from 1985' 15 February — 6 March, 2020 Noga Creative Union and Paparazzi Photo Salon present...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Odessa 2019

'India. Dreaming of Varanasi' 14 — 30 June, 2019 Noga Creative Union presents an exhibition of black and white...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Tartu 2019

'Chukotka is a land of loneliness' 4 February — 7 March, 2019 Noga Creative Union and the group OVER present...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Narva 2018

'Chukotka is a land of loneliness' 10 November — 17 December, 2018 Grand Prix of the XXIV International Photo...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Vitebsk 2018

'Ordinary Photos' 20 — 24 June, 2018 III International Festival of Photography “FotoKrok” named after Sigismund...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

St. Petersburg 2016

'Life without fanfare and parade' 2 September — 1 October, 2016 Interdistrict Centralized Library System. M.Yu....
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Norilsk 2014

'Invisible country' 7 — 30 November, 2014 Liberty.SU presents the photo exhibition “Invisible Country”....
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Moscow 2014

II Moscow Photographic Salon 'Independent Authors' 20 — 28 September, 2014 On 20 September, the Theophany Art...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Odessa 2013

'Ordinary Photos' 1 — 15 October, 2013 Noga Creative Union, Department of Culture, Nationalities, Religions and the...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Nizhny Novgorod 2013

'3 Outskirts' 3 — 16 April, 2013 Noga Creative Union, Ministry of Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and Russian...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

Ogre 2012

'Urban Environment' 13 — 31 October, 2012 Association “Ogre Photo Clubs”, within the framework of the festival “Photo...
Vitebsk 2021. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

United Kingdom 2012-19

'Our Stories' 2012-2019 The Photographic Angle presents a Mobile Photo Exhibition project “Our Stories”. London —...