News. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

The BarTur Photo Award 2022

'BarTur Photo Award 2022' Winners of 2022 BarTur Photo Award under Faces of Humanity theme Announced.
News. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

World Report Award 2022

'World.Report Award | Documenting Humanity 2022'. Shortlist of the Master category of the World Report Award.
News. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

ZEKE Award 2021

'2021 ZEKE Award for Documentary Photography'. Winners of 2021 ZEKE Award Announced.
News. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

LensCulture 2021

'LensCulture Art Photography Awards 2021'. Announcing the 2021 LensCulture Art Photography Award Winners! Discover...
News. Misha Maslennikov. Documentary photography. Odessa

EXPO 2012

'The Living Ocean and Coastal Zone'. Winners of EXPO 2012 Fine Art Photography Prize. Nauka i Zhizn magazine and the...