And Quiet Flows the Volga

The Noga Creative Union presents an exhibition of photographs by Kazan documentary photographer Evgene Kanaev from the cycle about ‘The Quiet Course of the Volga…’
The title of the project is due to the local history approach to shooting timeless storylines in the author’s small homeland: its inhabitants in the countryside and village life, in the urban environment and pastoral perspective of endless landscapes. At first glance, the selection of photographs is determined by geographical principle. However, it is also a story about people in their most intimate images and in the manifestations of those qualities that we call genuine or authentic — in a word, real. This is the essence of Kanayev’s artistic documentation, where unhurried examination of the photographs of the series, from the first to the last frame, imperceptibly immerses us in the atmosphere of a quiet and serene existence in the territory adjacent to the middle reaches of the Volga River for more than 40 years.
Misha Maslennikov
The Zadvinie. Cultural and historical complex
Exhibition opening: 26 June — 30 June
The International Photo Festival “PHOTOKROK” named after Sigismund Yurkovsky was created as a platform for amateur photographers, where the exchange of creative and professional experience is possible.
Organizer of the photofest — Vitebsk Fund of Photography “FotoKrok” with the support of the Department of Culture of the Vitebsk City Executive Committee.
The aim of the Photofest is to unite national and foreign photo enthusiasts in the most creative place of the Republic of Belarus — the city of Vitebsk. To attract creative people in the field of photography and thus to popularise Vitebsk at the national and world level with the help of their creativity.
The objectives of the photofest-show the audience a high level of photographic culture through a number of high-class photographic exhibitions of both classics of photography, and the best works of modern amateur photographers on a competitive basis. To conduct educational master classes, lectures, sessions portfolio review to improve photo skills among amateur photographers. To create a place of continuity between amateurs and professionals, a platform for reflecting the diversity of reality through photography.

Culture partner
Partner with curatorial support

Vitebsk 2024

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